

All produced figures can be downloaded. The format is either jpeg, rdata or pdf and is defined under ‘Settings > File output > Figure format’. A general figure title and appendix to figure files can be defined under ‘Figure title’ and ‘File appendix’ in the same box. The style of figures can be customized under ‘Settings > Visualization’. Downloading figures as rdata file allows to load the figure-object to the R environment again and process the figure according to user demands.

For some figures, special settings are available. An explanation to those options is listed below.

  • Facet wrap Shows subsets of data presented in individual panels
    • Facet variable that is arranged in different panels, e.g. day of the year or thermometer positions
    • No. colums Number of columns presented in one row
    • Scales Description by (Wickham, Navarro and Pedersen, 2022)
      • “scales =”fixed”: x and y scales are fixed across all panels.
      • scales = “free_x”: the x scale is free, and the y scale is fixed.
      • scales = “free_y”: the y scale is free, and the x scale is fixed.
      • scales = “free”: x and y scales vary across panels.”
  • Facet grid Similar to facet wrap. Presents data as 2d grid, defined by two variables.
  • Scales
    • Free x and y scale is free
    • Fixed x and/ or y scale can be customized

rdata files

This format allows data to be saved as an R object. In SFA, this option is available for all figures. This allows you to modify figures individually in R after downloading them. They can be loaded into R with load("<file_name>"). The name of each object is plotObject.


Files and images can be downloaded one at a time using the individual download buttons, or all at once using the Download button in the menu to the left.